The Chaplaincy Ministries training workshop for Level 2: Chaplain’s Essentials Part 2 addresses “The Person and Work of a Chaplain.” The purpose for Chaplain’s Essentials is to train and certify men and women in the local church for basic spiritual care ministry—chaplaincy. Under the supervision of the pastor, volunteer chaplains go into the community to minister and reach people who are in crisis and have emotional and spiritual needs. Trainees who attend United Pentecostal Churches may apply and receive endorsed status from the Department of Education and Endorsement [UPCI]. Others may be affirmed and endorsed by Global Training Interaction, Inc. Each chaplain may acquire an ID card and shield that provides recognition in any workplace as a chaplain. Chaplains may specialize for a ministry in Industrial/Occupational settings, Law Endorsement/Fire or Medical arenas, and Hospital/Hospice avenues. Part 2 provides additional insight to professional development, core values, methods and techniques of care-giving, and precautions chaplains should practice.
The lessons were compiled and taught by William N. Dillon, Chaplain Melvin Reddy, and Dr. Sidney L Poe.
You are invited to visit the website www.ocachaplains.com.
Chaplain Sidney L Poe, Ph.D.
OCA Education and Training Director